Often we are called to travel without a lot of notice and that is the time when we can be assured of the most desirable furnished apartments philadelphia found in Philadelphia, PA by calling Ur Home in Philly. Yes, indeed, that is what you will find when you call Ur Home in Philly. And we offer you not only the most desirable furnished apartments philadelphia, but also outstanding service.
You will readily find when you browse the website for Ur Home in Philly that our well-trained professionals are ready to meet all your needs for housing in Philadelphia, PA, whether it is for corporate travel and for an extended stay for other reasons. It is our mission at Ur Home in Philly to work with you and handle all your requirements to make your extended stay at Philadelphia, PA a memorable one.
At the onset, depending on whether you will be coming to Philadelphia, PA for your extended stay with another person (perhaps a spouse), you will see from our website that you have many options with regarding to size. We start by offering a corporate executive suite to even larger one or two bedroom furnished apartments.
All our turn-key apartments have been furnished by professionals who have taken all the necessary steps to bring you elegance while you can also enjoy comfort. We recognize at Ur Home in Philly that giving the best comfort possible, without sacrificing elegance in furnishings is an absolute must for our clients. Through the years that we have provided corporate housing for our traveling executives and others, we have counted on the referral business which is a bulk of our customer base. As you can see, Ur Home in Philly will do everything necessary to continue to enjoy our excellent reputation for accommodations in Philadelphia, PA.
At our initial contact, either by telephone, text message or a detailed email, we like to recommend that you give us all your needs and requirements. We will immediately go to work to fill your needs so that your prolonged stay at Philadelphia, PA will be profitable at whatever project you have come to accomplish.
As we are sure you have noted when you’ve had the opportunity to browse our website, there are many options with regard to size and even style and color of furnishings, etc. And, of course, we like to make our initial contact one where we will probe and ask questions pertinent to what your needs and likes. We believe that a prolonged stay must be absolutely as close to your comforts of home, as we can duplicate for you. Give Ur Home in Philly the opportunity to serve you.
— Ur Home in Philly for all your furnished apartments philadelphia needs. —