Act rationally in Washington DC with Attache Property Management, LLC!

Act rationally. Today, call up Attache Property Management, LLC to make your reservation! Don’t know who Attache Property Management, LLC is? Well, read on to find out! Attache Property Management, LLC is a top company for corporate housing Washington DC in Washington DC.

Before addressing the specific aspects of Attache Property Management, LLC that make them the perfect choice for a rational consumer of furnished rentals in Washington DC, I will first offer a brief history of rationality and economics. Economics is the study of scarcity. Specifically, economics is the study of how people make choices under scarcity. More specifically still, economics is the study of how a theoretical rational person would make decisions given specific situations of scarcity. Scarcity is the condition of unlimited want and limited consumptive resources. The rational consumer seeks to maximize his utility given a fixed amount of time and purchasing power. Recently, however, economics has abandoned its traditional theoretical orientation, rejecting its notion of rationality. Behavioral economics is the psychologically informed approach to the making of choices under scarcity, rejecting the idea that humans act with rationality in our consumptive habits. Behavioral economics uses statistical analysis of psychology in order to form systematic biases out of the irrational choices that consumers make. One important thing for consumers to learn from the growth of behavioral economics is that we can systematically understand the errors that we make in our consumptive choices. And at the point at which we understand this systematic discrepancy in choice making, we can eliminate our psychological biases by consciously choosing to act rationally, thus best maximizing our utility.

So why does Attache Property Management, LLC want to express to you these truths about behavioral economics and the science of irrational versus rational decision-making?

Well, predictably, the choice that consumers make of their consumption of corporate housing in Washington DC is often guided by irrationality. Consumers look for a place that will offer the best services at the lowest prices. Sure, this is a good choice. However, this consumptive formula is essentially misguided. Firms that advertise high quality and low prices are often misrepresenting the nature of their services. As a consumer, you should indeed rationally seek the absolute best services and the lowest costs. However, this requires for you to look through the marketing scheme in order to understand truly what services are being provided. The companies that advertise these features tend to have weak customer service (in order to afford the low rates) and lots of cost add-ons, such that you end up with low quality and high prices. A rational consumer, on the other hand, will not be deceived by marketing schemes. Quite to the contrary, a rational consumer will truly investigate the actual features of a given furnished rental. And this rational consumer will realize that Attache Property Management, LLC has the best location, most devoted customer service team, and most approachable payment options of any furnished rental provider in Washington DC.

Don’t believe me? Are you too rational to even accept claims to rationality? Then come on over and visit us at Attache Property Management, LLC in order to learn more about our unique services! We promise you won’ be disappointed.

— Attache Property Management, LLC for all your corporate housing Washington DC needs. —