Moving to a New City Looking, For Corporate Housing in Tallahassee.

I just got a new job in Tallahassee FL but I haven’t been able to do in-visits for apartments. With that in mind I thought it would be good to move to the city for a little and find temporary housing while I look for my new permanent place.

I’ve never been to Tallahassee FL so I need to find a place with corporate housing in Tallahassee. I’m looking for a place near downtown Tallahassee FL so that I can be in an up and coming neighborhood

I won’t be moving with a car of my own so it will be important for public transit to be nearby. While I haven’t been able to do in-person visits, I have been able to reach out to a couple of companies to see what is available and Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida seems to have the best options.

I will be looking for a one bedroom or loft style apartment in Tallahassee FL with corporate housing in Tallahassee. While I am looking for a place in downtown my new job is out in the suburbs so I will need access to ways to get out of the city.

I have contacted the employees at Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida here multiple times and they have been extremely professional. Even when I have to leave a message or send an email, they promptly respond with the information that I am looking for.  It is so comforting to know there are professionals who are there to help me with every need.

The feeling I had in my corporate housing in Tallahassee was definitely just like home and I knew that I would be comfortable and happy there for the extended period of time I will need to stay in them.  Staying in a hotel would have been such a stiff and sometimes even cold place, so corporate housing in Tallahassee was definitely for me.

I will highly recommend this type of accommodation for anyone who is needing to stay in a city where they do not live, and will need to stay for an extended period of time.  And I will highly recommend Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida.  They have proven they are the most service oriented company around.

–Corporate Accommodations of NW Florida invites you to contact them at or call 800-405-8894 for assistance with all your corporate housing in Tallahassee needs.—